Tuesday, December 23


the jonbenet - dramarama

guhhhhhh. space heaters are the greatest innovation. after a while the novelty of being able to see your breath while laying in bed wore off, and i have since purchased a $21.99 space heater to keep us warm. and it works magnificently. mmmmm.

mötley crüe - looks that kill

my creativity is missing. i haven't been inspired to shoot in a while. i want to. i want to shoot. it kinda sucks right now, though, since i can only shoot film, but i'm far too broke (read: unemployed) to afford film or the processing/scanning fees, and i am beyond too broke to be able to purchase a dslr. one day.

i am settled here. very settled. so much so that i am able to say "this is my life," and say it with confidence and pride. i am so happy in my current situation. well, with the exception of shitty-cold-tiny-lame roommates-lame landlord-apartment. and no job. and lack of creativity. but all of that is so secondary to my happiness here. this is so awesome.

i worked as a bagel delivery man for a week. sucked. 130 to 7. AM. guhhhhh. not down with that shit. i fucked my sleep schedule up pretty good. i'd sleep from 9 to 130, then after work i'd sleep from whenever i got home until about 1230. god. i'm happy thats over. i got paid, though, and getting paid is always awesome. i got about $800 for 10 days of work. legit? kindof.

hopefully i'll get to see brianna and nick and julia today. i'm going home for a few days, then danie and i are jettin' off ta carmel for a couple days. a nice little break for her. i'm excited.

i'm trying to like this new kanye album, but, i don't know. give me a bit longer.

feelin' quite apathetic this morning. not down. i want to get excited about something right now. fffffffuuuuuu-

my friends need to come see me in san francisco. it will be awesome.

converge - bitter and then some

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