Tuesday, November 4


the new trust - wretched and unwanted


life rules:
new bag
new shoes
obama won

i'd like to elaborate on the girl, but i have too much to say. it would be one of those scan-halfway-down-the-post-and-notice-he's-still-talking-about-her-then-scan-to-the-bottom-and-of-course-he's-still-talking-about-her-so-fuck-it-i'm-not-reading-this kinda posts.

i'll just say that she is incredible. that she is sweet, and funny, and smart as hell, and adorable, and passionate, and selfless. we are perfectly complimentary to one another, and she is the girl i've always thought couldn't exist.

head over fucking heels, man, head over heels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm really gawd damn happy for you. it's about time and you deserve it.