Thursday, October 9


thanks, macdonalds.

green day - jaded

alright, need another job. no work until thursday, not good.

fall is rad; brisk air rules, wind and dancing leaves are the shit, but those things are totally different when you're alone. yeah, i have my parents, and the one friend i see ever other week, but really i'm totally lonely. BAWW, i know. i've never been socially outgoing, so i don't really know where to start. fuck you, self-pity. i'm not too socially inept, but i am just enough so to render me a little useless.

indian summer - truman

i don't really post in this thing anymore, mostly because i have nothing to say. my life is the same each day, no big surprises or changes, no deviations from my normal daily routine. i wake up early, go to work, come home, fuck around on my bike for a little bit, then go to sleep. lather, rinse, repeat.

la quiete - metempsicosi del fine ultimo nevrastenica oscillazione fra poli estremi (best song on la fine non รจ la fine, you know i'm right.)

i'm still me, though. come on dudes, lets hang out.

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